Amongst all the programming languages that exist to date, Python is the simplest and powerful programming language. It is an object-oriented language with high versatility which makes coding easy and impactful. Python is having high-level data structures and easy syntax which enable programmers to concentrate on solutions rather than problems.

It is considered as the most ideal language for data analysis as well as for web development. Python’s simplicity enables reusing of code and modular programming which turns into cutting the overall cost of program maintenance. Python has a number of web frameworks which makes developers job a bit easy and help developers automate the tasks by lowering development time. Each framework of python comes with its own specifications and advantages.

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Types of Python Frameworks

There are three main primary types of python frameworks – full-stack a framework, micro-framework, and asynchronous framework. Developers need to select any framework according to their project requirements and choices.

Full-Stack Framework

These frameworks provide full support to developers or in other words, we can say Full-stack frameworks are a complete package that includes all the things like form generation, validation, and template layouts.

Micro Framework

As per the name, a micro framework is light-weight which means it doesn’t come with additional functionalities and features. If you want to do form validation or project-specific tools, this framework might disappoint you. Instead, if you want to add huge code manually with additional requirements, microframeworks do the best.

Asynchronous Framework

This framework is a recent one and similar to microframeworks, but it enables programmers to handle concurrent connections in a huge amount.

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Top Python Web Frameworks to Learn in 2020

1. Django

This is one of the most important and useful full-stack web frameworks of python. Django is an open-source and high-level framework working very fast. It enables programmers to work rapidly and flexibly on complex programs and apps.

Django is a favorite framework among programmers and developers because of its libraries and useful features like authentication mechanism, and URL routing.

This framework supports many databases and they are PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite. Django is mostly implemented in high-traffic sites- The Washington Times, Mozilla, Bitbucket, and some social media platforms like Disqus, Instagram, and Pinterest. There are many other advantages of Django such as reusability of components, minimal coding, effectiveness, and hassle-free development which makes it unique among all other frameworks. Additionally, it offers more security and allows users to avoid common mistakes while programming.

Django Specifications

Fast Speed

Number of features

High Security

Versatility and Scalability

2. CherryPy

CherryPy is an open-source micro the framework which is similar to Django. One specification of CherryPy is that any web app developed in it can be run on all python supported operating systems like Linux, Unix, Mac, and windows and this doesn't need any apache server.

CherryPy allows the development of smaller source codes quickly. It includes features like module and setup framework which simplify data access and handling of sessions, files, and cookies. It contains tools for encoding and authorization also it is super fast, stable, and reliable.

CherryPy Specifications


Multiple HTTP Server Support at same time

Powerful Configuration

Quick Development Time

3. Bottle

Like CherryPy, Bottle is also a micro framework and it is minimalistic too. Because of its small size, Bottle allows each and every web app to be executed without any dependencies and in a single source file. It is a fast and simple micro-framework that comes with adapter support. The bottle is lightweight and easy to use the framework, enables a user to build simple apps for personal use.

Bottle Specifications

Lightweight framework

Support for a third-party template engine

Built-in HTTP server

Support for database plugins and WSHI/HTTP servers

4. CubicWeb

Type: Full-Stack Framework

CubicWeb is an open-source full-stack Python framework that uses ‘cubes’ (component) to build web apps instead of regular models. This framework comes with a query language RQL which functions similarly as W3C’s SPARQL.

CubicWeb Specifications

Reusable Components

OWL and RDF Support

RQL Embedding

Multiple Database Support

Good Security Workflow

5. Dash

Dash is an open-source micro-framework designed for the development of analytical web apps. This is a data scientist's favorite framework because it doesn’t need much knowledge of web development. Web apps developed using Dash are mobile friendly and cross-platform compatible. It offers customization and also enables HTML classes to generate HTML content.

Dash Specifications

LDAP Integration

Simple UI

Low Demand for Boilerplate Code

URL Routing

Error Loading Layout


Plugin Support

6. Flask

This is also a popular micro framework of Python which comes with an in-built development server and debugger. Flask allows establishing secure client-side sessions and also it is compatible with Google App Engine. It is a lightweight framework with a high degree of adaptability. By using flask, developers can build robust web apps using any type of extensions.

Flask Specifications


Built-in Debugger and Development Server

Jinja2 Templating

WSGI 1.0 compliance

Plugin Support for any ORM

Unit Testing Support

Cookie Support for Client-Side Sessions

HTTP Request Handling

All the above-listed frameworks of Python is the top web framework. Python is very useful and popular among programmers because of countless features. NearLearn provides Python training in Bangalore at an affordable cost. We also provide online training for Python and many other technical courses.

If you are interested in learning python and its web frameworks, contact us +91-80-41700110 or visit:


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